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LocationCentral Myaasia
Shrines & Temples


Vermol is a rapidly growing city on the eastern shore of the Inner Sea. Though most of the city is still in ruins, a small area around the docks is being rebuilt and a constant stream of people are moving into the city. Beneath Vermol, there is a veritable labyrinth of paths and ruins, made up from previous incarnations of the city. Few venture into those tunnels, the citizens being content to seal any openings and built their new city above the old. Recently another layer has been added to the already impressive collection of tunnels…


Vermol’s history would fill many books if enough records survived to tell about it. What is known is that Vermol has been destroyed numerous times in the past, but due to it’s location and fertile surroundings has always been rebuilt so far. Most recently the city was destroyed during the Unlife Wars at the end of the third era. Even before the Period of Destruction, Vermol was pressured by frequent attacks by a militant clan of elves. Later, Vermol fell victim to no less than three catastrophes. First, the city was conquered by the Uruk-Hai armies of the northern Empire in the third year of Destruction. In the fifth year of destruction, the armies of the lich Xodur passed by Vermol, obliterating the imperial armies on the way, and finally shortly before the end of the Period of Destruction, Vermol was hit by an earthquake of great magnitude. After the Period of Destruction, nothing but smoking ruins remained of the once proud city. But as always before, people were quick to return to the site, building new houses over the rubble and many expect Vermol to return to its former glory.

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cerea2/players/vermol.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:29 by