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StatusGreater God
Follower alignments Any Non Evil
PortfolioMessenger of the gods, Travel
Favored Weapon Quarterstaff

Teris is the messenger of the gods. He appears as a beautiful youth in his middle teens. He carries a short staff which records the messages to be delivered. Always barefoot, he can run faster than any living creature. It is rumored that at least one Navigator guild holds him as their patron.

Teris is almost universally believed to be a Son of Kuor and Valris. Records exist of him running around in the first era, but during the late third era, he was temporarily considered one of the lords of Orhan. For unknown reasons, he lost much of this power during or shortly after the Unlife Wars. Sages speculate that the slump in overall travel in Myaasia has led to a decline in his worship.

Though he is reduced in power, Teris is still worshipped all over Myaasia, so he can not in good conscience be classified as a local god.

Teris’ main temple continues to be in the Hall of Navigators on The Central. There are no known temples or shrines in the Thousand Islands.

cerea2/players/teris.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:29 by