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Vol VI: Uprising

1st year of Destruction

After the Period of Destruction had finally begun, the Empire faced many troubles – of which more shall be told in other places – on the continent of Myaasia, too. Thus in these days the Empire did not get as many reinforcements or supplies as before. With many soldiers dead in the First Battle of Vesper and most of the rest up in the north continuing to wage war on Vesper, the garrison in the city was very low.

When the Empire started to recruit local people and tried to press them into service, fighting their friends and relatives in Vesper, unrest grew more and more pronounced, until one day the city arose to shake of the oppressors. The rebellion, incited by the famous fighter Alor Tylner, was well planned and organized and after a hard day of fighting the rebels controlled most important buildings in the city and had burned down at least a dozen enemy ships.

When word of the rebellion reached the main body of the army in the north, the imperials realized their predicament: They were caught between three hostile forces (counting King Obould) and, cut off from their supply lines, they were sure to be defeated within weeks. Though they were on the verge of striking a heavy blow to the defenders of Vesper, they immediately pulled back and flung all their forces on the city, where they arrived not three days after the rebellion had started.

The rebels had hardly finished mopping up the last resistance in the city and were completely surprised by the quick return of the army. The defenders of Vesper had taken heavy losses that day, and could do no more to aid the rebels than hammer the rear of the army with spells from a distance.

In a few hours the last rebels had come together to make a last stand in the Kickball stadium, which they managed to defend for several hours, but very few of them managed to escape alive…

cerea2/players/doc_uprising.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:29 by