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Cerea City


Located on the far south of the Cerea Island. It used to be so dominant in the affairs of the island that the whole island is usually called after it.

The city used to be a pirate's nest. But the pirates got lazy and started trading instead.

The population of the city is about 45% half orc 40% human 15% rest, for a total of about 15000 to 20000 people.

The city does not have any army, only a city guard keeping peace. The city Guard is quite understaffed and hard pressed especially in the eastern parts of the city.

Cerea is the largest city on the island and any nearby islands, only R'lyeh comes even close.


Cerea is goverened by 6 Captains, a title derived from the captains of the pirates that initially founded and ruled the city.

These Captains, in turn, are the head of their own ruling factions. In Cerea these factions are: Nobles, Chosen, Reds, Blacks, Merchants and the Brotherhood, in no particular order.

The Captains decide on the laws, provide the funds for the city to run, like the guards, and basically are the rulers of this city.

This makes Cerea a quasi-dictatorship but with a ruling triumvirate of six, instead of a single dictator.

Nothing ever gets done, because the Captains cannot agree with eachother, as most of them follow completely diverging agendas to all or most of the others.

The Captains and their groups can basically do what they want because the guards, for example, dare not interfere because if they do, they will lose their funding and hence their jobs.

What you end up with is a very complex and dynamic set of political machinations, which prevents anything from ever getting done, and which also means the Captains are essentially untouchable.

For example, Marcus, Head of the Chosen, has stated before the he only wants the absolute stupidest people he can find in the guards so he can more easily manipulate them into leaving him alone, and doing what he wants.

Many of the Captains, Marcus certainly, are essentially Lawful Evil, or at least Lawful Neutral, using the laws of city, which they also control and formulate, to further their own ends, instead of doing what's best for everyone. By extension the guilds and organisations they control, e.g. the guards and the chosen are of the same alignment as their leader.

Individual members might be of a different alignment, but the organisation as a whole bevhaves as their leader directs.

It remains to be seen if a few individuals can change things or not… or if they even want to.

The end result is that the city is ruled as dictatorship by the Captains. Thus what they say is the law. This goes the same on lower levels for other members of the ruling groups.

Thus the way they look at things: a master of chosen would quite rightly look down on the “peons” who are lesser beings and would expect any mere guard or administrator to do as they say. Anyone actually refusing can expect to at best be out of work in minutes or in a jail for “subversive actions”.

The system is definitely not “Rule by law” it is more akin to the way any dictatorships work, with the elite being above the law.

So for example a Captain killing a man on the street for absolutely no reason, would result in the man having been found guilty of treason and the Captain praised for their diligence

Captains of Cerea

Tara Thenthen (Captain of the Brotherhood)
Marcus (Captain of the Chosen)
Sir Andrick Cliver (Captain of the Aristocrats)
Sebo Groinen (Captain of the Trading Association)
Fernand Red (Captain of the Red Association)
Krest Black (Captain of the Black Association)

Cerea Army

Cerea army formation is 5 man in a squad, and 4 squads + 1 leutenant + 1 sergeant making platoon (22 man), 3 platoons + one captain + extra leutenants + extra sergeants making company (67 + extra leutenants and sergeants). Platoons and companies might have some extra leutenants and sergeants if needed.

Each squad is lead by sergeant and each platoon is lead by leutenant.

cerea1/players/cerea.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:46 by