Table of Contents
The quests to build
The suggested areas for the given quests:
V=Vesper GV = goblin valley BP = Bandit pass GF=Great Forest CE=Cerea Ruins GH = Giant hills
level 1
Need: 8 list: 30 built:11
all in Vesper
- Tutorial (weby done) QUEST_M_TUTORIAL
- Go get honey, bees sting(about 1 hp damage each) (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_GETHONEY
- get rid of some beetles on farmland (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_BEETLES1
- Get a dog from the hounted house (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_HOUNTEDHOUSE
- Find a lost ring in water (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_LOSTRING
- hunt a rabbit (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_HUNTRABBIT
- find some simple herbs (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_GETHERB1
- feed jim's cows (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_JIMCOWS1
- milk jim's cows (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_JIMCOWS2
- join adventurer guild (weby done) QUEST_G_JOINADVENTURER
- Creg Dwmons in storage (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_DEMONINSTORAGE
- Get diesae, get healed (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_BARGAINS
- chase some pigs that got loose from a farmer
- take a message from the inn to the storm temple
- clean up an infestation of rats
- find a lost boy.
- run a message to someone in some house
- catch a pickpocket in the inn (the inn should have many randomlooking/named people and the pickpocket be different one each time)
- join city guard(done)
- become mage apprentice(done)
- Collect acorns
- become armorsmith apprentice
- become weaponsmith apprentice
- become herblist apprentice
- Join the bard troupe
- Find a person and deliver message should be random name and place.
- Do wine tasting
- Practice archery (Shivaro done) QUEST_SHIV_ARCHER_PRACTICE
- Joining Thief guild(done)
- Gain access to historical bookstore (Mirage_GSM done)
level 2-3
Need: 30-(level 1)=19 list: 18 built:11
- get some herb from the river/goblinvalley/cerea(weby done) QUEST_WEBY_GETHERB3
- hunt goblins for a reward(GV) (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_HUNTGOBLINS
- take a message to bandit pass fort(BP) (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_PASSMESSAGE
- Find the source of the beetles and destroy the eggs.(weby done)
- get some herb from goblin valley(GV) (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_GETHERB2
- get family information from hounted house (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_HOUNTEDHOUSE2
- Get rid of the beetle source (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_BEETLES2
- Get Eagle feathers (GV) (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_GETEAGLEFEATHERS
- Find some information on demons (weby done) QUEST_DEMONINFO
- join fighter guild(Done)
- get a potion from goblin potionmaker(GV)
- mine some copper in the goblin valley mine(GV)
- join great forest rangers(GF)
- join the druid grove(GV)
- Join the monestary (GV)
- Find mountain herbs (GV) near monestary
- Take some arms from Greiburg to the Fighter School (wulf done)
- Kill the troll that threatens Greiburg (wulf done)
- Take orders for wine and then deliver the orders (wulf done)QUEST_WULF_WINE
level 4-5
Need: 64-(level 1-3)=44 list: 14 built:8
- Get family heirdom from hounted house (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_HOUNTEDHOUSE3
- Stop the badit menace (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_PASSBANDITS
- Kill some ogres (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_OGRES1
- Kill some ogre mages (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_OGRES2
- Explore the source of the demons (weby done) QUEST_DEMONINFO2
- Stop One-Eye(GV)
- Hunt wolves on other side of goblin valley for pelts(GV)
- Find herbs(CE) in greenwoods
- Find herbs(GV) past the druid grove
- Fight the undead(BP) past the fort
- Rescue a person form hobgoblins(GF)
- Collect spider venom out in the spider cave (wulf done)
- Get and ore sample from the spide cave (wulf done)
- Take some supplies to some miners out in the spider cave (wulf done)
- Stop some beetles from breaking wine bottles. (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_BEETLES
level 6-7
Need: 118 -(level 1-5) list: 2 built:0
- Stop the ogre boss (weby done) QUEST_WEBY_OGRES3
- Get some Ale from Borg's Cellar ruins
- Find the path up the mountain
- Rescure captured travelers from the lizard men slavers.(wulf done) QUEST_WULF_SLAVES
- Find some info on the lizard men slavers. (wulf done)
- Find some old roots out in Danara. (wulf done). QUEST_WULF_ROOTS
- Free some slaves from the slavers in Green Grove. (wulf, working)
level 8-9
Need: 186 -(level 1-7) list: 11 built:9
- Destroy the Demonspwan hatchlings (weby done) QUEST_DEMONINFO3
- explore the black fort
- explore the red fort
- Save the girl in the spider cave (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_SUSAN
- Stop the orc ritual in the orc king cave (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_ORCRITUAL
- Stop the orc engineers in the orc king cave (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_BUILDERS
- Stop the orc trainer in the orc king cave (wulf done)
- Defete the orc Champ in the orc king cave (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_ORCTRAINER
- Free a captured orc that is a follower of Crog (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_CROG
- Return an old standard of Vesper (wulf done) QUEST_WULF_VESPERITEM
- Lost love (wulf done)QUEST_WULF_LOSTLOVE
level 10-11
Need: 275 -(level 1-9) list: 3 built:1
- Explore Ra temple to find clues for further Ra quests
- Explore brotherhood tower
- Stop the orc king (wulf done)
level 12-13
- Destroy Demon leader (weby done) QUEST_DEMONINFO4
cerea2/build/the_quests_to_build.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:32 by