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Persistent Categories

ci_g_persist routines takes an argument called sCategory which specify to which category the persistent variables are stored. Each category has their own set of variables. This page document each of those categories and also contents of them.

Text PC or Global after variable specify whether the variable is stored on the PC or on the global storage, or both.


Variables in each category


  • <guildtag>_SM int PC has done SM quest for the guild <guildtag> (PC).
  • <guildtag>_HighMaster int PC has been elected to be as a HighMaster for guild <guildtag> (PC).
  • <guildtag>_FreeRankLevel int Rank number up to which (including) the PC can raise in the guild without paying reputation or needing recommendation. Used to give free Master (4) rank to guild builders (PC).


  • Level int Number of reputation points used to gain levels. (PC).
  • Points int Number of reputation points left. (PC).
  • Total int Total number of reputation points earned. (PC).
  • Reasons int Number of reason strings stored (PC).
  • Reason<xx> string Reason string <xx> (PC).
  • Num<xx> int Number of points for reason <xx> (PC).
  • Status int Status of the PC (PC).


  • XPOver int Number of experience points over the last level limit. (PC).
  • MaxLevel int Max level of the character. (PC)


  • Identifier string Unique identifier for the PC. (PC).
  • MaxID int First unused ID to be used for the next PC not yet having unique ID. (Global).


This is array, so it has all the default array variables. The guild tag string is used as index to the array. Each item in the array will have the following variables.

  • Rank int Rank number in this guild (PC).
  • Status int Status of the member in this guild (PC).
  • Recommendation int Has someone given PC a recommendation for this guild (PC).
  • RecommednationPoints int How many points of recommendation has been given (PC).
  • R_<uniqueplayerid> int Set if player <uniqueplayerid> has given this player a recommendation in this guild. (PC).

There is also global guild category arrays one for each guild. The category name for those are Guild_<rank>_<guildtag>, where the <rank> is the number from 1 to 6 listing members of that rank of the guild specifed by the string <guildtag>. Each of those categories will be array where the index is the <uniqueplayerid>, and the fields are:

  • Name string Name of the player (global).
  • Status int Status of the player (global).


  • PlayHours int Game hours player has played (PC)


  • Level int Housing level number (PC).


This is array of quests, where the index is the quest tag. Values for each quest are:

  • State int Status of the quest (PC)
  • Time int Timestamp of the last action on quest. (PC)


This contains quest specific data, which is not related to the quest states. This can be used to store for example whether player has triggered given triggers etc. I.e. permanently store some information which is not stored in the state variable.

  • TriggerIncStatetag string Used by ce_g_q_incstate to mark that player has visited specific trigger (i.e. do not increase state anymore).
  • LostAnimalTaggerWand string Used by the Greenwoods Rangers joining quest in case the PC looses the tagger wand this is set and new wand is given. If he looses it again the quest is failed.


  • Password string Password for the PC (character edit etc) (PC).
  • Helper int Whether PC wants to get help requests from other players (PC).
  • LootPickupLevel int Loot pickup level of player 0 = all, 1 = 1cp/lb etc…


  • emote string Action to run when emote is clicked (PC).


  • tag object Bulletin board item to be used to store bulletin board messages for the bulletin board whose tag is tag (global).

The item has array inside that is using the timestamp of the message as a key inside the category note, and two variables for each timestamp:

  • who string who wrote the message (note category of the item).
  • text string The text itself (note category of the item).


This is array of area tags, where the index is the tag of area. Values for each area are:

  • Count int how many times PC has been on the area (PC).
cerea2/build/persistentcategories.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:32 by