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There are many organisations that shape the world


There are many famous organisations that have global coverage or atleast fame.

Most prominent are ofcourse the Navigators that transport anyone with enough (=lots of) money to allmost anywhere else on the planet. Though they are not a single organisation, instead being several closely linked ones covering different areas.

The Dragon lords a powerful force, the Dragon-lords are a small but extremely important group in Myaasian affairs, affecting dragonkind directly and others indirectly

The Changramai are an elite group of warriors, who recruit their mercenary services to various organizations in need of protection or armed force and with lots of money.

The Loremasters are a subtle group, believed to be members of one coherent master group though such information might well be deliberate misinformation.


Closer Information on the Churches can be found with the information of their gods

Cerea Island

Many of the organisations are local in scope and nature.

cerea1/players/organisations.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:46 by