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Kuor is the king of the gods and ruler of Orhan. He can control the weather on myaasia and reputedly is a master of the Flows of Essaence. Appearing as a man of middle years yet hale, he is beardless, and has a wild mane of snow-white hair. Kuor is almost never seen on myaasia and he rarely intervenes in the affairs of the mortals.

He is also the “oldest” of gods and some legends credit him to be the first being on Myaasia, even if not a creator of it as such.

Not worshipped by all that many people directly, being seen as quite distant god. The only exception is the central kingdom, where about half of of the population of the capital Vermol worship him and about 10% of the total population.

Kuor is Lawfull Neutral.
His priests are clerics.
Followers can be any nonevil aligment

Cleric Domains: Protection, air, animal, earth, fire, god, healing, knowledge, magic, plant, protection, streangth, sun, travel, water

cerea1/players/kuor.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:46 by