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This is the explanation for the implemented functions in inc_myaasiabase (not the internal functions or the not ready ones)

Sending messages
Send message to everyone aroud some object used by things like the pixies to not spam the talk window.

Sendmessagetoradius near object nearme with radius
void SendMessagetoRadius(string Message, object NearMe=OBJECT_SELF, float radius=RADIUS_SIZE_GARGANTUAN);

For debugging use the following two things: use the Printdebug to output any debug info you have, then set DEBUF to true and rebuild module.

// grobal debugging flag, for use with the following fucntion
const int DEBUG=FALSE;
// prints debugging if DEBUG is TRUE
//should be used to print all diagnostic info
void PrintDebug(object oPC,string message);

simulated highlevel and outsider and unlife functions

//return max level as given by level or the extra levels in ascention and similar
int GetTrueLevel(object oTarget);

Returns the true level of the character, normally the same as character level.
Returns a level above 20 for the Seekers,gods and Guardians as appropriate, seekers being lv 20+rank.

//returns true if the target creature is outsider by the broad definiton
int GetIsOutsider(object oTarget);

Returns true if the target is part or whole outsider:
True if: racial type is: outsider,elemental,dragon
Or Level 20 monk, or Has a truelevel>20 (see GetTrueLevel above)

//returns true if the target creture is unlife by the broad definiton
int GetIsUnlife(object oTarget);

Returns true if Racial type is undead or has any levels in undead class.

Time Functions

//return current date string in short myaasian form
string CurrentShortMyaasiaDate();
// return current date string in myaasia form
string CurrentMyaasiaDate();

These two return a full date string of the current date

//return myaasiadate string for given date
string MyaasiaDate(int iDate, int iMonth, int iYear);
//return Short form myaasiadate string for given date
string ShortMyaasiaDate(int iDate, int iMonth, int iYear);

These two return a full date string of the date given in the parameters.

// return the year string in myaasian form
// if short format= TRUE in shorter format
string MyaasiaYear(int iYear,int Shortformat);
// Calculate the day of week and the week and
// return the day/week string in myaasian form
// if short format= TRUE in shorter format
string MyaasiaWeek(int iDate, int iMonth,int Shortformat);
// return the name of the week from 1-48
string Myaasiaweekstring(int iWeek);
// return the name of the weekday
// if short format= TRUE in shorter format
string weekdaystring(int iDay,int Shortformat);

mostly used by the 4 basic string functions to create parts of the string. can also be used separately.

cerea1/builders/inc_myaasiabase.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/03 12:46 by