Zioriane is daughter of Robin Loxley ( dead guardian of Naye Bay ) and Neda “lil” Loxley ( dead seeker of Ra ). She has grew up with her parents and their friends ( she knew most of the npc listed here at least from their name http://www.cerea2.com/index.php?option=com_openwiki&Itemid=50&id=players:important_npcs )
As her both parents died during period of destruction in service of their “gods” ( Neda Ra and Robin guardian )she has lost her faith in gods considering them nothing but an mortals with blind followers, this shows on her actions when ever visiting temples or other holy places as they make her feel somewhat nervous and uneasy but not scared.
Zio has took her life mission to bring back her father and mother that were stolen from her by these “mortals with blind followers” and is willing to take serious and even life threathing actions to make it happen. If she finds out it is possible ( she has already heard that it is possible to turn back time from one of the witches ) and she has some faint memory of someone called Suttus doing something like that.
Because of loosing her family and most of the peoples she knew before, she has became shy and cautious to tie new friendships to anyone. She also thinks that talking usually reveals more about the person than just what they say makeing her short on her sentences.
Zioriane does not really believe any god but you could say she feels somewhat close to element of air as it brings her comfort on the whispers it brings to her ears. When she encounters anykind of magic ( complex ritual circles / essence nodes or flows ) she pays great intrest to learn from them to see if she could use them in anyway to bring back her family. The same goes to knowledge she learns along the adventures attends.
Well there is she in a nut shell … hopefully it will clear any questions about her. Smiley