Table of Contents

Item Properties


Magical properties are applied as temporary effects when item is equipped or applied by the onhit scripts.

Variables on items:

NameTypeNeeded when?Set to
PriceintAllwaysThe item price in copper pieces. The item_list contains the basic item prices
BaseintAllwaysThe basic item type. Taken from the # field in the item_list
PropintIf magic/special powersThe item power string from later in this page
HeatintIf clothesSet how protective the clothes are, read the notes in the itemlist for the given itemtype
Qualityintif nonstandard qualitySets the approapriate status level to use the item. See itemlist for details
TotalWeightintIf nonstandard weightThe game will make the item to weight exactly this much in tenths of pounds.
SpecDescstringif you want skillroll to get more infoThe text the PC will get on success
SpecialDCintif you use SpecDescThe DC difficulty to get the intormation
SpecialExamineintif you use SpecDescThe skill number to be usedin the examine
DRinthigh quality armorsbonus base armor DR for high quality armor items
BonustypeIntOverrides the default skillbonus for the item if high quality(is skill number or -1-attribute number)

Basic materials

Basic materials are as below:

Material Price Wt DC modmin price/lbnotes
Wood *.1*0.8 -5 -4
Bone *.15 -3
Copper *.25 -5 -21 sp
Bronze *.5 -2 -11 gp
Iron +01 gp
Low steel *5 +5 +110 gp
High steel *25 +10 +2100 gp
Admantine *250*0.8+20 +31 000 gp tough
Mithril *2 500 *.6+30 +410 000 gp Very magic conducting
Laen *25 000 *.4+40 +550 000 gp makes sharp weapons
Eog *250 000 *.2+50 +6100 000 gp Anti-magic

Price: the base price is modified by this multiple.
wt: weight modifier
mod: the bonus or penalty from item type
DC: the difficulty level modifier for crafting skill to use this type of material
min price/lb: the minimum price / pound of the given material. Note that this only affects the parts of the items made of this material.

A masterwork item of any of those is +1 more to hit and .2 weight less, they cost twice the normal price.

Enchanted items require the enchanter to start with masterwork item.


All clothing (clothes, armor, helmets, hats, gloves, shoes, boots, cloaks and so on) are considered average thickness unless a integer variable “Heat” is set.

Suggested Heat variable levels

Variable Examples
-2 Desert Robes
-1 Swim wear, t-shirt+shorts, summer hat, underwear, sandals
0 Normal clothes, helmets, hats and so on
1 Full open/metal armors, allmost full armors, Boots, winter cloaks, heavy winter clothes, Mittens
2 Full closed leather armors

Magic items Basic

Availability of magic items is very low, normally no shops have any magic items and very few creatures have those too. (see loot system and enemy strengths)

Item properties

Each magic or nonmagic item that has properties has noitem properties, but as string variable “Prop” on the item.

The first character of the string indicates the type of item:

char type
! Arcane magic
# Divine magic
% Material
$ Craftmanship
= Natural product
@ Ooc item

The variable is a comma separated list of properties.
When examining, equipping or unequipping the item the list is checked for matching entries.
Each part consists of a First letter indicating type of action when do what.

Action when

The letter is one of following:

First Letteraction When Triggered
E Equip On equipping the item
U Unequip On unequipping the item
X eXamine When someone examines the item
G Get When someone gets the item
L Loose When the item is lost
P Power Triggers when unique power is used
O On-hit Triggers when one hits with the object(weapon) or is hit(armor/shield)
Must be first ones in the list
R Rest Start Happens on trying to rest
C Complete rest Happen on succefully completed rest
S Spawn When the item is created on the ground or in to the placeable (shops for example).

Note: Any properties are on aquire, unaquire, equip and unequip, but equip and unequip always automatically run aquire too.
Note: The processing of onhit properties starts with first one and ends when a non-onhit property is found to save time. Thus onhit properties must be first ones in the list.
Note: Beginning of rest also fires unequips, end of rest also fires equips. FIXME not implemented.

What action

Action can be many things. The action is indicated by second letter of the part.

A preliminary list:

Second LetterAction ActionsExplanation
E * Equip UXGLP Forces an equip of the item(used for cursed items)
D * Damage EUXGLPO Does Damage to the target See “damage” below
N * NoDrop EUXGLP Unable to drop the item
B * Bonus EUXGLP Gives the creature some sort of bonus see “bonus” below
F * Feat EG Gives a feat while equiped/carried see “feat” below
S * Spell EUXGLP Adds spell cast property a spell see “spell cast” below
A Action EUXGLP Does a list of actions see “action” below
V * Visual Effect EUXGLPO Does a Visual Effect
L * Light EGP Adds light see “light” below
G Glow EGP Adds item glow see “glow” below
C Cast diff E Modifies the arcane/divine casting difficulty
U * Unique EUXGLPO Power does a unique power activity
X Effect EUXGLPO creates effect on PC/target see “effect” below
I Intelligent EUXGLPO uses conversation file to say things
T * Trap G Creates trap property
P Penalty EUXGLP Gives the creature some sort of penalty see “penalty” below

*) done allready

"D" Damage

The action “D” or damage rest of entry definint type of damage and ammount. The third letter is the damage type:

Third LetterType
F Fire
C Cold
W Water
E Earth
L Life
U Unlife
S Slash
P Pierce
B Bludgeon
M Magic
D Divine

After that comes the string:
“(#1)D(#2)+(#3)” or “(#1)D(#2)” or “(#3)” with (#1),(#2) and (#3) being numbers. Will then roll #1 number of #2 sided dice and add #3

The dice available are: d4,d6,d8,d10,d12,d20,d100

thus: “2d6+2” would roll 2 6 sided dice and add 2 to result. “3” would cause 3 damage “30d4” would roll 30 4 sided dice.

"V" Visual Effect

The rest of the string part is: “(Visual effect number)!(Duration)”. or “(Visual effect name)!(Duration)”

Numbers use nwn1 style effect numbers, name is for nwn2 style effect flags.

For permanent effect duration should be “P” for Instant “I” for temporary a floating point number.

“onhit” and “power” apply the effect to target, other uses to the user/equiper.

thus with NWN numbers: “19!I” Fires the dispell visual effect. and “321!34.4” causes pixie dust visual effect for 34.4 seconds

"L" Light

The rest of the string part is: “(Light intensity)!(Light color)!(Duration)”.

For permanent effect duration should be “P” for temporary a floating point number.

the object will shine with light of intensity 1-4 with the following colors:

Color Number

"N" No drop

Makes the item undroppable. The rest of the string part is: “(Type)!(Level)”.

Level is the level against what to try the removal. The base probability is 50% for own level and +/-5% for each level difference. Type is:

Type letter Effect Description
C Curse Removed by remove curse on successfull roll
M Magic Removed with dispells on successfull roll
Q Quest Only removable by scripting/DM
U Unholy Removed by holy water, level is charges of minor needed
H Holy Removed by unholy water, level is charges of minor needed

If you have multiple No drop properties, they are considered to be OR:ed, that is any one of the valid removal methods given will work. Thus an item with magic and curse no drop effects can be removed after successfull dispell or remove curse.

"E" Equip

Automatically equips the item in right slot when given action occurs. Weapons are equipped in right hand and rings in right hand unless free left hand slot only.

"F" Feat

Adds the feat given as feat number pf IP_CONST_FEAT_* as rest of string.

"S" Spell

Add Cast spell property to the item. format S(type)(number) where the number is the number of the spell and the type is one of below:

type effect
S single use
U unlimited uses
C# uses # charges (1-5)/use
R# castable # times (1-5)/rest

some typical spell values:

number spell
329 unique power
335 unique power self only
359 activate
537 activate touch
513 activate long range

you can check the rest from iprp_spells.2da

"U" Unique Power

Unique powers scripted in the module. Use ; between parameters.

“=GSS335,PUEAT;1” (unique power on use of “unique power self only”: eat with bonus 1).
“!GSU335,PUHERB;1” (unique power on use of “unique power self only”: use herb number 1).

List of current generic unique powers

# is a number parameter.
$ is a string parameter.

Power Description of parameters
EAT;# modifier to how good it is (+/- 3 max)
DRINK;# modifier to how good it is (+/- 3 max)
CONVO;$ conversation file to open.
QUEST;$;# quest $, check state #. Add +1 to quest state if check ok
HERB;# Herb number.
HEAL;# Heal the target. give bonus # to heal attempt
SHOVEL Do dig in ground action see below for more info
ANIM;$ $ is the animation string see ambient animations
SUMMON;$;# Summon as summoned the creature with resref $ #duration in seconds
PERFUME;# level of perfume 1-9
SPELLT;#;#2 cast spell # at level #2 on target
SPELLL;#;#2 cast spell # at level #2 on target location
CREATEP;$ create placeable with the resref $ at targetlocation
CREATEI;$;# create Item with the resref $ in the inventory of the user # is the number to create
CREATEC;$ create creature with resref $ at targetlocation
GRAPPLINGHOOK Throw grappling hook
SCRIPTHOOK;$,$,# Call script hook (first parameter) with given string and int parameters given)
FISH does fishingpole action

Specific Unique powers

SHOVEL you need to specify what action is done at a location or waypoint by making a script that will fire. In the area properties of the area place strings “shovel#” statring with “shovel1” pointing to the scripts to run. For each either place a corresponding placeable or waypoint and put the tag of it as “shovelwp#” string variable in the area. Alternatively you can set the location variable “shovelloc#” to spcify the location. When a player uses the shovel within 5 meters of the location the script is fired.

"B" Bonus

Add a item bonus the bonus is indicated by second letter

2nd char Bonus type Parameters
D Defensive # AC bonus of item
A Attack # Attack bonus of item
E Enchantment # Enchantment bonus of item
S Skill #;# Skill to give bonus;Bonus value
T Attribute #;# Attribute to give bonus;Bonus value
M Mighty # The ammount of Mighty bonus for the bow
C Container weight # The ammount to reduce the container contents by*20%

"T" Trap

Next two numbers are trap strength and trap type:

Second Char Trap Strength
0 Minor
1 Average
2 Strong
3 Deadly
4 Epic
Rest Trap type
1 Spike
2 Holy
3 Tangle
4 Blob of Acid
5 Fire
6 Electrical
7 Gas
8 Frost
9 Acid Splash
10 Sonic
11 Negative

"P" Penalty

Add a item penalty the penalty is indicated by second letter

2nd char Penalty type Parameters
N No base damage