Table of Contents


See ci_g_hooks for more information about hooks. The below is list of hook names. If you want to set for example OnDying hook for the area, you put “OnDying” string variable on the area and set its name to match your own script (for example ch_tk_dyoa_dying_hook). Then in that script you can call C_GetHookPC, C_GetHookParamString and C_GetHookParamInt to get parameters for the hook. If you want to skip the normal processing of the script (i.e. skip the normal on dying processing) you can call C_SetHookSkipNormalProcessing function.

The object (i.e. the OBJECT_SELF of the hook script, not the OBJECT_SELF of the function calling hook) for which hook is called depends on the hook, as listed below.

See generic hooks page for more documentation about generic hooks.

Here is list of generic hooks in the cerea2 module:


Guild system

Object = NPC giving the rank.

Quest system

Object = NPC, Trigger or module advancing the quest.


Object = Door object.

PC Dying / Death

Object = PC who is dying.

NPC Healing

Object = NPC who was healed.

Altars / Deity

Object = Altar or NPC doing the change.


Object = NPC running the script.


Object = Area