Note: Historical Timeline all times before Third Era are approximate, as a lot of the historical record is lost.
The first era was the era of the immortals, dominated mostly by The Iylari and Uruk-Hai, with their long lifespans to gain personal skill and power.
But in the wars at the end, their slow breeding-rates eventually cause the “lesser” races to grind them down with numbers.
The Timeline of First Era
In the second era, after most of the immortals had died off in the wars. This saw the raise of quickerbreeding races and unlife. During most of the era, the forces of life and unlife were about in balance. Towards middle and end the dragons with their tremendous power gained more and more power, but in the magewars to the end, they saw the same problems as elves and uruk-hai in first era, with their slow rate of breeding, they lost too. But the greatest loosers of all were unlife, loosing most of their strongholds and areas
The Timeline of Second Era
The Current Era.
The begining of third era was a time of unprecidented growth of life. This time the fast breeding races like common men and goblins and lesser orcs saw a great dominance. With unlife forced to shadows mostly, and the longerliving races low in numbers, the domination of the worlds is in the hands of the “common” races.
Now ..
the unlife is again on rise..
dragons flexing a bit their muscles..
rumors of uruk-hai influencing the north kingdom…
rumors of iylari influencing central kingdom…
The Timeline of Third Era sofar.
Ofcourse a lot of the recent history is in World events Forum and in History of major events forum