On elemental "Churches"

The elemental “churches” Life,Unlife,Fire,Water,Air, Earth do not follow a god, instead the elemental force itself, though there is no evidence that the elemental forces as such care or have any sentience, with the possible execption of life and unlife.

The power the clerics works partially the same way as with he gods as focus. People concentrating and praying to the force focus power and that focused power is then used by the elemental Clerics. Though in many cases, the “Cleric” is actually a magic user using the essaence directly like a wizard, but creating divine magic.

The fact that the clerics tap the focuses power directly, instead of via a god, makes them a lot more independent and thus the elemental churches are much more likely to be in several organisations.

In general the other churches are distrustful of the Elemental churches and the elemental followers are usually aloof in their contacts with the other churches.

The opposining elemental churches are ofcourse enemies of each other.

the "churches"
