====== Changes to the spells for ritual casting ====== In general no spell that is REMOVED or that does not have UserType 1 or does not have ImpactScript in the spells.2da cannot be cast. Also all spells which have Innate level of 0 cannot be cast. In addition to those there are some forbidden spells, and spells having different innate level. This table here is only for documentation purposes only, the ci_g_powers.nss implement these restrictions and changes. Following awk script can create the new wiki pages for the ritual spell lists: awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; OFS="\t"; for(i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { printf("%d\t====== Level %d Rituals ======\n%d\t^ %-40s ^ Ritual ^\n", i, i, i, "Spell"); } } { if ($69 != 1 && $55 == 1 && $10 != "****" && $18 > 0 && $1 != 159 && $1 != 161 && $1 != 324 && !($1 >= 340 && $1 <= 353) && !($1 >= 379 && $1 <= 384) && !($1 >= 562 && $1 <= 564) && $1 != 568 && $1 != 688 && $1 != 715 && $1 != 764 && !($1 >= 810 && $1 <= 817) && $1 != 820 && $1 != 824 && $1 != 833 && $1 != 839 && $1 != 841 && $1 != 844 && $1 != 866 && $1 != 931 && !($1 >= 949 && $1 <= 956) && $1 != 961 && !($1 >= 963 && $1 <= 965) && !($1 >= 969 && $1 <= 972) && !($1 >= 974 && $1 <= 975) && $1 != 984 && $1 != 985 && $1 != 987 && !($1 >= 1001 && $1 <= 1003) && $1 != 1007 && !($1 >= 1047 && $1 <= 1050) && !($1 >= 1055 && $1 <= 1699) && !($1 >= 1705 && $1 <= 1713)) { lvl=$18; if ($1 == 807 || $1 == 809 || $1 == 818 || $1 == 819 || $1 == 822 || $1 == 823 || $1 == 825 || $1 == 826 || ($1 >= 828 && $1 <= 831) || $1 == 837 || $1 == 842 || $1 == 843) { lvl += 2; } if ($1 == 821) { lvl += 4; } if (lvl > 9 || ($1 >= 1013 && $1 <= 1046) || ($1 >= 1051 && $1 <= 1054)) { lvl = 9; } printf("%d\t| %-40s | %-5d |\n", lvl, $2, $1); } }' < spells.2da | sed 's/_/ /g' | sort -f | sed 's/^[0-9].//g;' ===== Forbidden spells ===== ^ SpellID ^ ImpactScript ^ Innate ^ Label ^ | 159 | NW_S0_ShadConj | 4 | Shadow Conjuration | | 161 | NW_S0_ShapeChg | 9 | Shapechange | | 324 | NW_S0_SummShad | 9 | SHADES_Summon_Shadow | | 340-353 | - | varies | SHADES_*, SHADOW_CON_*, GR_SHADOW_CON_* | | 379 | NW_S1_SummCeles | 5 | Summon_Celestial | | 380 | NW_S2_BatMast | 1 | Battle_Mastery_Spell | | 381 | NW_S2_DivStr | 1 | Divine_Strength | | 382 | NW_S2_DivProt | 1 | Divine_Protection | | 383 | NW_S0_SummShad02 | 1 | Negative_Plane_Avatar | | 384 | NW_S2_DivTrick | 1 | Divine_Trickery | | 562 | x2_s0_auraglory | 2 | AuraOfGlory_X2 | | 563 | x2_s0_hasteslow | 3 | Haste_Slow_X2 | | 564 | x2_s0_CrShadow | 6 | Summon_Shadow_X2 | | 568 | x2_s0_restother | 4 | Restoration_Others | | 688 | x2_s1_driderdark | 2 | GWildShape_DriderDarkness | | 715 | x2_s1_golemslam | 6 | Golem_Ranged_Slam | | 764 | x2_s0_glphwardx | 2 | GlyphOfWardingDefault | | 810 | nw_s0_idarkness | 1 | Darkness | | 811 | nw_s0_idvlsight | 2 | Devil's_Sight | | 812 | nw_s0_idranblst | 2 | Draining_Blast | | 813 | nw_s0_ieldspear | 2 | Eldritch_Spear | | 814 | nw_s0_ientrward | 2 | Entropic_Warding | | 815 | nw_s0_ifrgtblst | 2 | Frightful_Blast | | 816 | nw_s0_ihideousb | 1 | Hideous_Blow | | 817 | nw_s0_ileapsbnd | 2 | Leaps_and_Bounds | | 820 | nw_s0_ibrimblst | 3 | Brimstone_Blast | | 824 | nw_s0_ieldchain | 4 | Eldritch_Chain | | 833 | nw_s0_ieldcone | 5 | Eldritch_Cone | | 839 | nw_s0_ielddoom | 8 | Eldritch_Doom | | 841 | nw_s0_iretinvis | 6 | Retributive_Invisibility | | 844 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 1 | Eldritch_Blast | | 866 | nw_s0_deathknel | 2 | Death_Knell | | 931 | nw_s0_ihideous2 | 1 | Hideous_Blow_Impact | | 949 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 2 | Eldritch_Blast2 | | 950 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 3 | Eldritch_Blast3 | | 951 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 4 | Eldritch_Blast4 | | 952 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 5 | Eldritch_Blast5 | | 953 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 6 | Eldritch_Blast6 | | 954 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 7 | Eldritch_Blast7 | | 955 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 8 | Eldritch_Blast8 | | 956 | nw_s0_ieldblast | 9 | Eldritch_Blast9 | | 961 | nw_s2_wpmaclw | 5 | SPELLABILITY_WARPRIEST_MASS_CURE_LIGHT_WOUNDS | | 963 | nw_s2_wpbatttide | 5 | SPELLABILITY_WARPRIEST_BATTLETIDE | | 964 | nw_s2_wphaste | 3 | SPELLABILITY_WARPRIEST_HASTE | | 965 | nw_s2_wpmasheal | 8 | SPELLABILITY_WARPRIEST_MASS_HEAL | | 969 | nw_s0_shadescaster | 9 | SHADES_Target_Caster | | 971 | NW_S0_DelFirebal | 9 | SHADES_Target_Creature | | 972 | NW_S0_Summon | 9 | SHADES_Target_Ground | | 974 | NW_S0_MetSwarm_Location | 9 | Meteor_Swarm_Location | | 975 | NW_S0_MetSwarm_Creature | 9 | Meteor_Swarm_Creature | | 984 | NW_S0_Fireball | 3 | SPELL_INFINITE_RANGE_FIREBALL | | 985 | nw_s2_pilfermagic | 3 | Pilfer_Magic | | 987 | NW_S0_BladeBarSelf | 6 | Blade_Barrier_Self | | 1001 | nw_s0_bodysun | 2 | Body_of_the_Sun | | 1002 | nw_s0_jagtooth | 3 | Jagged_Tooth | | 1003 | nw_s0_moonbolt | 4 | Moon_Bolt | | 1007 | nw_s0_stormavatar | 8 | Storm_Avatar | | 1047 | nx_s2_summongale | 2 | Summon_Gale_Racial | | 1048 | nx_s2_mergestone | 2 | Merge_with_Stone_Racial | | 1049 | nx_s2_reachblaze | 2 | Reach_to_the_Blaze_Racial | | 1050 | nx_s2_shroudfog | 2 | Shrouding_Fog_Racial | | 1055-1699 | - | varies | | | 1705-1713 | cs_deityspell | varies | deity spells | ===== Changed Spells ===== ==== Level +2 (max 9) ==== ^ SpellID ^ ImpactScript ^ Innate ^ Label ^ | 807 | nw_s0_ibeguinfl | 2 | Beguiling_Influence | | 809 | nw_s0_idrkonlck | 2 | Dark_One's_Own_Luck | | 818 | nw_s0_iseeunsen | 2 | See_the_Unseen | | 819 | nw_s0_ibeshblst | 4 | Beshadowed_Blast | | 822 | nw_s0_icursedes | 4 | Curse_of_Despair | | 823 | nw_s0_ideadwalk | 4 | The_Dead_Walk | | 825 | nw_s0_ifleescen | 4 | Flee_the_Scene | | 826 | nw_s0_ihellblst | 4 | Hellrime_Blast | | 828 | nw_s0_ivoradisp | 4 | Voracious_Dispelling | | 829 | nw_s0_iwalkunsn | 2 | Walk_Unseen | | 830 | nw_s0_ibewiblst | 4 | Bewitching_Blast | | 831 | nw_s0_ichiltent | 5 | Chilling_Tentacles | | 837 | nw_s0_iwallflam | 5 | Wall_of_Perilous_Flame | | 842 | nw_s0_iuttrblst | 8 | Utterdark_Blast | | 843 | nw_s0_iwordchng | 2 | Word_of_Changing | ==== Level +4 ==== ^ SpellID ^ ImpactScript ^ Innate ^ Label ^ | 821 | nw_s0_icharm | 4 | Charm | ==== Set level to 9 ==== ^ SpellID ^ ImpactScript ^ Innate ^ Label ^ | 1013 | nx_s0_grresist | 4 | Greater_Resistance | | 1014 | nx_s0_supresist | 6 | Superior_Resistance | | 1015 | nx_s0_callstorm | 5 | Call_Lightning_Storm | | 1016 | nx_s0_cacburst | 5 | Cacophonic_Burst | | 1017 | nx_s0_masscont | 5 | Mass_Contagion | | 1018 | nx_s0_massdeaward | 8 | Mass_Death_Ward | | 1019 | nx_s0_massdrown | 9 | Mass_Drown | | 1020 | nx_s0_vigor | 3 | Vigor | | 1021 | nx_s0_lsrvigor | 1 | Lesser_Vigor | | 1022 | nx_s0_mlsrvigor | 3 | Mass_Lesser_Vigor | | 1023 | nx_s0_vigorcycle | 6 | Vigorous_Cycle | | 1024 | nx_s0_msbearend | 6 | Mass_Bear_Endurance | | 1025 | nx_s0_msbullstr | 6 | Mass_Bull_Strength | | 1026 | nx_s0_msowlwis | 6 | Mass_Owl_Wisdom | | 1027 | nx_s0_mscatgra | 6 | Mass_Cat_Grace | | 1028 | nx_s0_mseaglesple | 6 | Mass_Eagle_Splendor | | 1029 | nx_s0_msfoxcun | 6 | Mass_Fox_Cunning | | 1030 | nx_s0_healanimal | 5 | Heal_Animal_Companion | | 1031 | nx_s0_hypothermia | 3 | Hypothermia | | 1032 | nx_s0_avasculate | 7 | Avasculate | | 1033 | nx_s0_walldisp | 5 | Wall_Of_Dispel_Magic | | 1034 | nx_s0_grwalldisp | 8 | Greater_Wall_Of_Dispel_Magic | | 1035 | nx_s0_bladecurse | 2 | Curse_of_Blades | | 1036 | nx_s0_mbladecurse | 3 | Mass_Curse_Of_Blades | | 1037 | nx_s0_shout | 4 | Shout | | 1038 | nx_s0_gshout | 8 | Greater_Shout | | 1039 | nx_s0_hisssleep | 7 | Hiss_Of_Sleep | | 1040 | nx_s0_visage | 3 | Visage_Of_The_Diety_Lesser | | 1041 | nx_s0_gvisage | 9 | Greater_Visage_Of_The_Diety | | 1042 | nx_s0_creepcold | 2 | Creeping_Cold | | 1043 | nx_s0_gcreepcold | 4 | Greater_Creeping_Cold | | 1044 | nx_s0_tfatigue | 0 | Touch_Of_Fatigue | | 1045 | nx_s0_glacial | 9 | Glacial_Wrath | | 1046 | nx_s0_pwdisable | 5 | Power_Word_Disable | | 1051 | nx_s0_touchidiocy | 2 | Touch_Of_Idiocy | | 1052 | nx_s0_massaid | 3 | Mass_Aid | | 1053 | nx_s0_lionheart | 1 | Lionheart | | 1054 | nx_s0_recitation | 4 | Recitation |