====== Notes ====== The entries below are not complete yet. Several systems are still under development. Please read the [[http://www.cerea2.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=55|rules]] and the topic on [[players:evil characters]] if you plan to play them. ====== Characters ====== The basics of gaining [[XP]], [[xp#leveling_basics|Levels]], [[xp#prestige_classes|Prestige Classes]] and [[xp#reputation_basics|Reputation]] Things the character does when you are not logged in: [[Offtime]] [[Crafting]] and [[job|Jobs]] Joining and advancing in [[Guilds]] and the [[players:organisations|guild list]] and the [[Special Training]] they provide. Notes on [[Damage]], [[Damage#Healing|Healing]], [[[Damage#Dying|Dying]] and [[[Damage#Respawning|Respawning]] The longer explanation of [[Reputation]], its uses for Social Status, Housing, Guild rank requirments and such. ====== Questing ====== [[DM Quests|Questing Guidelines]]\\ [[DM Interaction|Interacting with the DM]]\\ [[Leading a Party]]\\ [[After Quest Talk]]\\ ====== The Custom Systems ====== [[Money]], [[Loot]] and [[Shops]]\\ [[player tools]] [[animations]] [[settings]]\\ Master [[Item List]] and the [[Crafting Itemslist]]\\ ====== Magic ====== [[Ritual Magic]]\\ [[Learning Spells]] for wizards\\ [[Creating Magic Items]]\\ [[Casting Spells]]\\ [[List of Spells]]\\ ====== Miscellaneous ====== [[Special Abilities]]\\ [[Custom Feats]]\\