====== ci_g_debug ======
Cerea 2 Debug functions.
Normally used by including ci_g_basic in the script.
sub includes for basic add this directly.
====== Debug functions ======
These are meant to help debugging.
===== C_DebugState =====
(**Debug function**)
Sets debugging on and off depending on iDebug for the whole
module. Debug levels range from CI_D_FATAL (0 = only fatal errors) to
CI_D_NICETOKNOW (20 = All debug messages)
void C_DebugState(int iDebug);
===== C_PrintDebug =====
(**Debug function**)
Send debug output when debugging is enabled. Use instead of
SendMessageToPC funtions. iDebugLevel gives minimum debuglevel to print the
text. Use the CI_D_* constants from the ci_g_constants.
void C_PrintDebug(int iDebugLevel,
object oPC,
string sDebug);
===== C_DebugStatePlayer =====
(**Debug function**)
Sets the debugging level for the player to iDebug. This can
only be used to raise the debugging level from the module global, i.e. if
the module global is higher than this then for example all DMs still get
messages regardless of this setting.
void C_DebugStatePlayer(object oPC, int iDebug);
====== Display functions ======
these are to display information
===== C_SendMessagetoRadius =====
Send the message with text to everyone in given radius near
the object
void C_SendMessagetoRadius(string sMessage,
object oNearMe = OBJECT_SELF,
===== C_SendMessagetoArea =====
Send the message with text to everyone in a given area
void C_SendMessagetoArea(string sMessage, object oArea);
===== C_SendMessagetoPC =====
Send the message with text to one PC
void C_SendMessagetoPC(string sMessage, object oPC);
===== C_SendMessagetoParty =====
Send the message with text to everyone in a given party
void C_SendMessagetoParty(string sMessage, object oMember);
====== CI_D_* constants ======
===== CI_D_FATAL =====
//int// = 0
Fatal error, not recoverable, should not happen, after this we better
shutdown server... (Example: Database write failed, and database is now
===== CI_D_CRITICAL =====
//int// = 2
Critical error, affects the whole module (Example: some mandatory resource
is missing)
===== CI_D_CHAR_CRITICAL =====
//int// = 3
Character critical error, affects the whole char (Example: some mandatory items from char is missing, i.e. soulstone, moneypouch)
===== CI_D_CHEAT =====
//int// = 4
Cheating attempt detected (or error in the code) (Example: some object is
changed in the middle of the operation where user should not have
possibility to change it)
===== CI_D_ERROR =====
//int// = 6
Normal error case, some variable missing which should be there etc, affects
only one one area or creature (Example: Creature is missing treasure or exp
variable etc).
===== CI_D_WARNING =====
//int// = 10
User did something funny, something that shouldn't be done, but which should
not be considered cheating (Example: User tries to use device on item where
it should not be used (I.e. tries to write with pen to the armor or
===== CI_D_UNCOMMON =====
//int// = 8
Something uncommon happened, this can happen normally, but should be quite
rare. (Example: Killing dragonlord in cerea1 or killing the old one in
cerea2, should not happen that often).
===== CI_D_START =====
//int// = 14
Operation was started, usually once per user action (Example: User starts
using the forge to enchant item)
===== CI_D_SUCCESS =====
//int// = 12
Operation was successfull, and finished now, usually once per user action
(Example: User finishes enchanting item and the operation was successfull).
===== CI_D_FAILURE =====
//int// = 11
Operation was failure, and finished now, usually once per user action
(Example: User finishes enchanting item and the operation was failure
(because of the skill check failed etc)).
===== CI_D_NICETOKNOW =====
//int// = 20
Information that might be useful for debugging.
===== CI_D_LOWSTART =====
//int// = 18
Lower level operation started (Example: Some library function which can be
called from several different places, and perhaps even several times was
called, for example C_TakeMoney)
===== CI_D_LOWSUCCESS =====
//int// = 16
Lower level operation finished successfully (Example: The library function
returned success back, C_TakeMoney returns after taking the money).
===== CI_D_LOWFAILURE =====
//int// = 15
Lower level operation failed and is now finished (Example: The library
function returned failure back, C_HasMoney returns telling that user didn't
have enough money, if the C_TakeMoney detects user does not have enough
money, then it should probably use CHEAT level, as either this is cheating
attempt or bug in the code which allows cheating).