====== Astrologer ====== FIXME Format ! Astrologer, the old way was clumsy having to be able to count the numbers.. a bit streamlined process below (works in 090 forward) the following variables control the funtionality, all should be set on her. string scryspec subject if the string is present, she will give now an extra option with the string as subject, in that scrying the following variables set on her are used, any that are not set use random card. ints: card numbers scryself for the "self" draw scrypast for the "influencing factor from past" draw scryfuture for the "influencing factor from future" draw scryhelp for the "helping factor" draw scryenemy for the "enemy of hindering factor" draw the cards are the same as weeks... so the numbers are from there. (1-48) she has "the eye" meaning she can see things about people and often about their paths into the future.. but only important things.. She cannot see for example what tomorrow brings to someone, but can maybe see a hint of the path that one should take to avenge a past evil done to them. the accuracy is better the stronger the situation.