====== _gen_door_unl.nss ====== ===== Usage ===== Thsi script is used as a [[OnUnLock]] handler script of the door, placeables or secret doors. This should be used by all doors. If special handing is required use [[Hooks]] to modify the behavior of this script. ===== What it does ===== This function will do following things: - [[Hooks]]: Call the [[builders:placeablesvariables#OnUnLock|OnUnLock]] hook if defined. - Visual effects: Visual effects used [[builders:placeablesvariables#unlock_vfx*]], and [[builders:placeablesvariables#unlock_vfx_player*]]. - Keep locked: If door is supposed to be kept locked [[builders:placeablesvariables#door_keep_locked|door_keep_locked on door]] or [[builders:areavariables#door_keep_locked|door_keep_locked on area]] close door immediately. - Linked door: If door is linked, unlock the linked door (play [[builders:placeablesvariables#unlock_vfx*]]). - Closing: Start closing timer. ===== Related things ===== [[builders:placeablesvariables|Variables in the placeables]]\\ [[Hooks]]\\ [[_gen_door_are]]\\ [[_gen_door_clo]]\\ [[_gen_door_dam]]\\ [[_gen_door_fai]]\\ [[_gen_door_loc]]\\ [[_gen_door_ope]]