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The Navigators hold an important place in Myaasian affairs, since they provide the only reliable travel on the globe.To summon a Navigator, one needs merely locate the nearest Navigator pillar (a black, smooth obelisk), place one's hands on the stone, and say “I require a Navigator” or subvocalize something similar (some rich people have their own portable Navigator beacons). A Navigator should appear within moments.

The Navigators themselves rarely provide the means of transport, and in fact often the transport must also be provided for the Navigator. The Navigators merely serve as guides (and providers of Jumps, when one is called for). The weather is always fairly pleasant on Navigator-assisted journeys, so it is clear that they possess some form of weather control. They are also reputed to be superb fighters, on the rare occasions when violence is necessary.


A standard rate is charged by all Navigators. The amount is calculated in “units” of either one person or 500 lbs. of cargo.. These rates are arguably preposterous, but the Navigators have an absolute monopoly on this service, and the few rare competitors they have had over the years have all quietly disappeared. The Navigators always insist on payment, their tenaciousness in this matter is legendary; getting a Navigator to lower his rates or teleport someone who is out of cash is like trying to get a Drog to write poetry.

When the navigators serve as navigators on journeys, either by sea or on land, The services cost generally 25gp/unit/day with a minimum of 500gp/day

They also provide a service of instantly teleporting people and equavalent ammounts of cargo to other locations in their served territory at a cost of 500gp each person or 500lb(or fraction) of cargo carried.

Both serives are in adition to the 500gp callingfee for the navigator.


It is clear that the Navigators as a group are composed of a number of guilds, as the different guilds all have different forms of attire and vary greatly in their composure and manner some have even been known to carry out casual conversation with clients.

A common feature of the Navigators is their use of a “compass”,the form of which is different in each guild. The Navigators apparently use these devices to perform safe mass teleports and other feats, and they appear to be strongly attuned to individual Navigators. Rumor has it that a few foolhardy rulers in the past have tried to kidnap a Navigator,with no other effect than their own swift disappearance. The Navigators hold the position of absolute neutrality, they will not transport military equipment or personnel. There are also some places where Navigators will refuse to Transport clients.

There are several guilds, each servicing a different area of the western hemisphere. In case of a trip taking place in the territory of two guilds, the navigator will have to be changed.

If the journey is on sea or land, the navigators will arrange for the transfer, in case of teleportation, the traveler must change guild at the hall of navigators.

Ch'kar B'kora serve the 1000 islands on the far east ocean
Duruni Olkanane have the eastern part of the Myaasian continent.
Vurn-kye serve the minor continnent of Govon and nearby areas
Askasi Detenii serve the Central Myasian Continent
North Wind serve the northern Myaasian Continent
The Navigators Serve the southern continent of Emer
Tre'ide Ferwer Serve the westen part of the continent of Myaasia
Ghandemai Durii Serve the southern part of continent of Myaasia