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Creature Variables

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Cerea Specific

if an encountercreature has the int “stay” set to 1, it will not be cleared by the areaclear script. As the cleanup script destroys all other encountergenerated creatures.

string “sayondeath” The creature says this on death

string “sayon1hp” if immortal the creature says this on 1 hp

int “die” if true (1) causes an immortal creature to get the immortality removed on 1 hp

int “healon1hp” works with “die” , causing a the creature to be healed the number of HP given here on removing the immortal flag.

int “noheal” causes the creature not to heal on end of combat.

string “autobuffspawn” causes spellcasting to buff on spawn instantly

string “autobuffperceive” causes spellcasting to buff on perception instantly

string “autobuffperceiveenemy” causes spellcasting to buff on perception when seeing enemy. if you set both this and “autobuffperceive” both will fire on hostile perception.

string “autobuffoncombat” causes spellcasting to buff when attacked hostile spell cast or fail pickpocket.

all of these are strings in the form: AAAA_BBBB_CCCC_DDDD_EEEE_ with the AAAA and so on being spell numbers . can be any number of parts theoretically. like autobuffspawn=“0001_0006_” caises the creature to cast aid and bless on spawn. note that you need that trailing “_”

All these read a variable “bufftime” to get the seconds between buffs. if not set use default of 300. =5 real minutes.

Note: this is somewaht experimental currently

setting a string “runpercept” to a value on creature will cause it to run the script in question on perception.

setting string “runspawn” to a value on creature will cause it to run the script in question on spawn.

setting int “Life” on an unlife creature to a value>0 makes it that many % not unlife. >80 Life is not detected as unlife.

setting int “Unlife” on an life creature to a value>0 makes it that many % unlife. >20 Life is detected as unlife.

Generic shopkeeper thing

These variables are used by the generic shopkeeper dialog ztk_merch



Greetings text said by the merchant when player opens it. Defaults to “Greetings <mister/missus>”.



Players selection text when he wants to open the shop. Defaults to “I would like to see what you have to sell”.



Players selection text when he is not interested in shopping. Defaults to “I am not interested in shopping now”.



Tag of the shop to create. Defaults to Tag of the shopkeeper + “_shop”.



Resref of the merchant to create. There are few default merchants now. The merchants used here should have empty inventory, but suitable buy and sell % set. Defaults to “ztk_merch_100_1” (100% sell, and 1% of buying). Other suitable values are “ztk_merch_200_1” (200%/1%) and “ztk_merch_400_1” (400%/1%).



Amount of gold in the shop. Defaults to -1 (no limit).



Max price the shopkeeper can pay about item. Defaults to -1 (no limit).



Cost of the idenfitying items. Defaults to 100.



Resref of the item to create on the shop. The numbers start from 1 and goes up to the first number not having itemX variable. I.e. item1, item2, item3



Probability of the item in the shop in promils (i.e. 1/10th of %). I.e. item1prob, item2prob, item3prob… If not set then defaults to 1000.



Time in timestamp seconds (i.e. game time) when the shop will get its next refill. Default is 10 years, i.e. server reset interval.


int “X2_SPELL_RANDOM” if true causes the spellcasting be even more random than normally int “X2_L_SPAWN_USE_STEALTH” if true, spawn in in stealth mode int “X2_L_SPAWN_USE_SEARCH” if true, spawn in in search mode int “X2_L_SPAWN_USE_AMBIENT” if true, the creature will play mobile ambient animations int “X2_L_SPAWN_USE_AMBIENT_IMMOBILE” if true, the creature will play immobile ambient animations int “X1_L_IMMUNE_TO_DISPEL” if true, the creature is immune to dispells int “X2_L_IS_INCORPOREAL” if true, the creature can walk through other creatures int “X2_L_NUMBER_OF_ATTACKS” set this variable to 1 - 6 to override the number of attacks a creature has based on its BAB

int “NW_GENERIC_MASTER” this special variable causes much special actions based on value. You should set this to the sum pf those effects you wish to get

1 (NW_FLAG_SPECIAL_CONVERSATION = 0x00000001); This causes the creature to say a one-line greeting in their conversation file upon perceiving the player. Put [NW_D2_GenCheck] in the “Text Seen When” field of the greeting in the conversation file. Don't attach any player responses.

2 (NW_FLAG_SHOUT_ATTACK_MY_TARGET = 0x00000002;) This NPC will attack when its allies call for help

4 (NW_FLAG_STEALTH = 0x00000004;) Enable stealth mode on spawn

8 (NW_FLAG_SEARCH = 0x00000008;) Enable Search more on Spawn

16 (NW_FLAG_SET_WARNINGS = 0x00000010;) causes a nonhostile creature to give one warning on being attacked and only go hotile on seconds attack

32 (NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_RETURN = 0x00000020;) causes the creature to flee on being attacked as next one and then be reacreated to a location placed on the NPC with the name “NW_GENERIC_START_POINT”

64 (int NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_LEAVE = 0x00000040;) cause creature to flee on being attacked to a waypoint with the name EXIT_owntag with the owntab being the tag of the given NPC

128 (NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_RETURN = 0x00000080; ) as escape return but uses teleport to flee and return

256 (NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_LEAVE = 0x00000100;) as escape leave but uses teleport to flee

512 (NW_FLAG_PERCIEVE_EVENT = 0x00000200;) causes the userdefined event to fire on perceive

1024 (NW_FLAG_ATTACK_EVENT = 0x00000400;) causes the userdefined event to fire when attacked

2048 (NW_FLAG_DAMAGED_EVENT = 0x00000800;) causes the userdefined event to fire when damaged

4096 (int NW_FLAG_SPELL_CAST_AT_EVENT = 0x00001000;) causes the userdefined event to fire when spell cast at

8192 (NW_FLAG_DISTURBED_EVENT = 0x00002000;) causes the userdefined event to fire when disturbed

16384 (NW_FLAG_END_COMBAT_ROUND_EVENT = 0x00004000;) causes the userdefined event to fire at end of each combat round

32768 (NW_FLAG_ON_DIALOGUE_EVENT = 0x00008000;) causes the userdefined event to fire when talked to

65536 (NW_FLAG_RESTED_EVENT = 0x00010000;) causes the userdefined event to fire at when resting

131072 (NW_FLAG_DEATH_EVENT = 0x00020000;) theoretically causes the userdefined event to fire when dead. not working as the object is dead by the time the userdefined event fires


524288 (NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS = 0x00080000;) cause the creature to play ambient animations and move about

1048576 (NW_FLAG_HEARTBEAT_EVENT = 0x00100000;) causes the userdefined event to fire at each heartbeat

2097152 (NW_FLAG_IMMOBILE_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS = 0x00200000;) cause the creature to play ambient animations, but stay still

4194304 (NW_FLAG_DAY_NIGHT_POSTING = 0x00400000;) Will use different waypoint and POST_ for day and night

8388608 (NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS_AVIAN = 0x00800000;) cause flying createures ambient animations(as these do not have most normal animations)

16777216 (NW_FLAG_APPEAR_SPAWN_IN_ANIMATION = 0x01000000;) Play the spawn in animation on appear

33554432 (NW_FLAG_SLEEPING_AT_NIGHT = 0x02000000;) Cause the object to be aspeel at night.

67108864 (NW_FLAG_FAST_BUFF_ENEMY = 0x04000000;) cast buffing spells on spawn.

Special Combat Tactics *


1 (X0_COMBAT_FLAG_RANGED = 0x00000001;) Ranged attacker Will attempt to stay at ranged distance from their target.

2 (X0_COMBAT_FLAG_DEFENSIVE = 0x00000002;) Will use defensive combat feats and parry

4 (X0_COMBAT_FLAG_COWARDLY = 0x00000004;) Cowardly creatures will attempt to flee attackers.

8 (X0_COMBAT_FLAG_AMBUSHER = 0x00000008;) Will go stealthy/invisible and attack, then run away and try to go stealthy again before attacking anew.

the following are somewhat buggy in 1.61 int “X2_L_BEH_COMPASSION” The higher value of this variable, the higher the chance that the creature will aid friendly creatures in combat. Not that helping usually degrades the overall difficulty of an encounter, but makes it more interesting.

int “X2_L_BEH_OFFENSE” The higher value of this variable, the higher the chance that the creature will use offensive abilities in combat. Set to 0 to make them flee.

int “X2_L_BEH_MAGIC” The value of this variable (int) is added to the chance that a creature will use magic in combat. Set to 100 for always, 0 for never

Animation Conditions int “NW_ANIM_CONDITION” set to the sum of below: These are extra conditions you can put on creatures with ambient animations.

1 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_INITIALIZED = 0x00000001;) If set, the NPC has been initialized, use this with other flags to disable defaults

2 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_CONSTANT = 0x00000002;) If this flag is set, this creature will constantly be acting. Otherwise, creatures will only start performing their ambient animations when they first perceive a player, and they will stop when the player moves away.

4 (int NW_ANIM_FLAG_CHATTER = 0x00000004;) Civilized creatures with this flag set will randomly use a few voicechats. It's a good idea to avoid putting this on multiple creatures using the same voiceset. and avoid in areas where you wish people to speak

8 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_ACTIVE = 0x00000008;) If set, the NPC has been triggered and should be animating (used mostly internally)

16 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_INTERACTING = 0x00000010;) If set, the NPC is currently interacting with a placeable (used mostly internally)

32 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_INSIDE = 0x00000020;) if set, the NPC has gone inside an interior area. (used mostly internally)

64 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_HAS_HOME = 0x00000040;) If set, the NPC has a home waypoint (used mostly internally)

128 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_TALKING = 0x00000080;) If set, the NPC is currently talking (used mostly internally)

256 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_MOBILE = 0x00000100;) If set, the NPC is mobile (used mostly internally)

512 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_MOBILE_CLOSE_RANGE = 0x00000200;) Creatures with _immobile_ ambient animations can have this flag set to make them mobile in a close range. They will never leave their immediate area, but will move around in it, frequently returning to their starting point.

Note that creatures spawned inside interior areas that contain a waypoint with one of the tags “NW_HOME”, “NW_TAVERN”, “NW_SHOP” will automatically have this condition set.

1024 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_IS_CIVILIZED = 0x00000400;) Civilized creatures interact with placeables in their area that have the tag “NW_INTERACTIVE” and “talk” to each other. Humanoid races are civilized by default, so only set this flag for monster races that you want to behave the same way.

4096 (NW_ANIM_FLAG_CLOSE_DOORS = 0x00001000;) If set, the NPC will close doors