====== Cerea DM tool ====== The DM tool is a combination tool allowing different things to be done. It replaces the not used difficulty slider with a custom gui that has many buttons. The button texts are as tooltips, as else the buttons have to be way too big. {{:builders:cereadmclient.jpg|:builders:cereadmclient.jpg}} §=not implemented by 301 ===== Vocabulary/concepts ===== "mode"\\ "single"\\ "action"\\ "slot" \\ "targetpoint" a location that is the target for many actions, like creating things. This can be a location set by """""" or the dm location if you have selected "target location follows DM" \\ "targeted" the target you have in you selection window, makes something targeted by rightclicking on it.\\ "Marked" creature stored in given slot with "Mark creature"\\ "Selection" a group of creatures added to by "Add targeted creatures to selection and "Add nearest creatures to selection"\\ "Active selection" \\ ===== Portals ===== To create a portal, select create portal mode, make the endlocation target point and click on action number to create that portal number. portals are in pairs. Create portals - Creates portal when press numbers below. The portals are global and thus common to all DMs. There can be as many portal pairs as there are nmber buttons below. Portals are created in pairs. First press creates frst portal in pair, second the second in pair. If you have two and create third, one existing portal is replaced. The order of replacement is : first a portal in current DM area, then the first creatd one. \\ Remove portals - Removes portal when press numbers below. The order of removal is : first a portal in current DM area, then the second create one.\\ §Set Portal Visual or type - set the look and features on next portals. See the number keys for the list of actions you can make. This includes different portal looks and locking,marking how it is destroyable. All future portals you create will be done with these until you change it.\\ §change near portal visual or type - set the look and features on nearest portal in the same area as you. See the number keys for the list of actions you can make. This includes different portal looks and locking,marking how it is destroyable.\\ List portals - Lists all portals active in the module and their destinations.\\ jumpto portal - Jump the DM to the first portal in pair or to second in near first.\\ ===== Locations ===== Stored locations are persistent and are restord on first use of the DM tool. Jump to stored location - Jump DM to the stored DM location when click the number below.\\ Make targetpoint stored location - Store the current targetpoint into the stored location slot you specify.\\ jumpto marked NPC - Jump the DM to the NPC you have marked in the given slot.\\ Store DM location - Store current DM location as persistent location.\\ targetpoint follows DM - The target point follows the DM until you set it by some other means to a fixed location.\\ List locations - Lists your stored persistent locations.\\ make DM location targetpoint - makes the current DM location static targetpoint.\\ make itemtarget targetpoint - make point targeted with dm targe tool the current targetpoint.\\ make stored location targetpoint - make a stored location in given slot targetpoint.\\ ===== Creature selections and actions ===== Add targeted creatures to selection - Add targeted creature to selection when you press the number.\\ Add nearest creatures to selection - Add nearest not included creature to selection when you press the number.\\ Make selection active - Make selection number the active selection.\\ selection flee - The active selection creatures flee.\\ selection clear all actions - The selected creatures stop whatever they are doing.\\ selection runs to targetpoint - Selected creatures run to current target point.\\ selection walks to targetpoint - Selected creatures walk to current targepoint.\\ selection attacks target - The active selection creatures attack the targeted thing\\ selection attacks closest - The active selection creatures attack the closest enemy. Note that they must see the enemies.\\ Jump active selection to stored location - The active selection jumps to the targetpoint stored in given slot.\\ jump selection to targetpoint - Jumps the selection # to the current targetpoint.\\ Clear selection - Removes all creaures from the active selection.\\ jump active selection to targetpoint - Jumps the active selection to selected targetpoint.\\ Marked NPC speak - The marked NPC speaks on selecting the number, continues to talk on enter.\\ Target NPC speak - The target NPC speks on enter, continues to talk on enter.\\ §select party - Makes the party of the selected PC active selection.\\ show active selection - Shows the currently active selection contents.\\ ===== Creature walk waypoints control ===== Stop creature walk - Stops the targeted creature from walking waypoints.\\ Stop All creatures walking in area - Starts all the creatures in area to walk waypoints\\ Start creature walk - \\ Start All creatures walking in area - \\ stop active selection from walking - \\ Stop Selection from walking - Stops the targeted creature from walking waypoints\\ ===== Create Creatures/Encounters ===== §Custom encounter - Create copies of the creatures from dm area door # to targetlocation.\\ §list custom encounter creatures - Lists the creaturesmin the dm area door #.\\ §Standard Encounters - Creates Standard type creatures based on selected difficulty level.\\ §Set Standard encounter level - Set the difficulty level for standard encoungter types.\\ Create creatures - Creates copy of marked creature # to target location when you click the number below.\\ Mark creature - Stores active creature for copy/speaking # when click number below.\\ List marked creatures - Lists all your marked creatures.\\ ===== Emotes/animations ===== for documentation on the animations: [[build:ambient]] under animations for waypoints. Use emotes - The targeted creature playes emote stored in slot Number when select a number.\\ Store Emotes - Store semicolon separated lists of NPC emotes to number. Add the emotes by typing the text as semicolon searated list of emotes. #,comment denotes comment.\\ list stored emotes - lists all your stored emotes.\\ ===== Store Objects ===== Retrieve Objects - Retrive object from Database slot. Items come to your invetory, others to targetpoint.\\ Store Object - Stores a copy of the targeted thing to db slot on number. Use current text as comment.\\ list stored objects - lists the names and comments of objects stored in the db.\\ relative retrieve placeable group - Retrieve the placeable group to their relative locations, but orginal facing.\\ absolute retrieve placeable group - Retrieve the placeable group to their absolute locations\\ store placeable group - Stores all the placeables in the area that have been added after the last mark to the database for later retrieval. Give name of group as text.\\ mark placeable for store - all placebles after the last mark are stored when you use store placeables.\\ ===== VFX ===== FIXME - document the vfxes \\ §Use VFX - play stored vfx, when press number. The vfx is played in current targetlocation.\\ §list stored VFX - lists all your stored VFXes\\ §Store VFX - Store vfx by making a commaseparated list of vfx name/number:duration for later playback in the textfield and then press the number \\ ===== Copy/Modify items/Item properties ===== Copy item with variables - Copies the targeted item with itemvariables.\\ ItemInfo - Shows information on the selected creature, including DM notes and all the special descriptions. \\ §Set DM note - Sets the creature DM note. Those are then later shown on DM examine. Set Creature Level - Resets the selected creature to level #\\ Set First Name - Set the selected target firstname to textfield contents. \\ Set Description - Set the selected target Description to textfield\\ Set Spec Description - Set a special description that PCs can get on eamine if they make a special skill roll.\\ §Set Spec skill - Set the skill needed to get the special description on item by selecting the item/placeable and the clicking on skill below.\\ Copy Object - Copies the targeted object to DM inventory for itemas and to targetpoint for creatures. type new tag as text, id text is empty use stadard tag.\\ Set Last Name - Set the selected target lastname to textfield contents.\\ Set Key - Set the key needed to open doors \\ §Set spec DC - Set Special DC for the skillroll to get the special description.\\ SetVar Int on target - Enter the variable name a = and the value in the text field to set the integer value on the target. SetVar String on target - Enter the variable name a = and the value in the text field to set the string value on the target. SetVar Float on target - Enter the variable name a = and the value in the text field to set the float value on the target. SetVar location on target - Enter the variable name in the textfield, the target will get the current targetpoint set as that locationvariable. targetpoint follows DM - Set Permanent Var Int on PC - Enter the variable name a = and the value in the text field to set the integer value on the target. Set Permanent string Int on PC - Enter the variable name a = and the value in the text field to set the string value on the target. Set Permanent Var float on PC - Enter the variable name a = and the value in the text field to set the float value on the target. Set Permanent Var location on PC - Enter the variable name in the textfield, the target will get the current targetpoint set as that locationvariable. ===== PC info/Change ===== Decrement PC quest status - \\ Increment PC quest status - \\ §list PC quest status - \\ list pc reputation log - \\ §list PC explorer log - \\ §list PC kill log - returns the creatures killed by the PC\\ §recommend to guild - \\ list pc guildinfo - \\ ===== Reputation and XP ===== give 4 reputation 200xp - to selected pc. Type reason to textfield. Default reason is Dmquest+date\\ give 3 reputation 150xp - to selected pc. Type reason to textfield. Default reason is Dmquest+date\\ give 2 reputation 100xp - to selected pc. Type reason to textfield. Default reason is Dmquest+date\\ give 1 reputation 50xp - to selected pc. Type reason to textfield. Default reason is Dmquest+date\\ give or take reputation - to selected pc. Type reason, a comma and number to give or take to textfield. Default reason is Dmquest+date to use default reason type the comma and the number to give/take\\ give or take xp - to selected pc. Type reason, a comma and number to give or take to textfield. Default reason is Dmquest+date to use default reason type the comma and the number to give/take\\