====== Godly Relations ====== Here is a rough overview of the views the gods hold about each other: ====== Kuor ====== -> Valris: excellent relations\\ -> Ulane: good relations\\ -> Iorak: good relations\\ -> Reann: fairly good relations, the fanatism of some of the followers makes it a bit strained at time, the relations to hunters are quite bad. \\ -> Kieron: good relations, but the overt chaos is straining a bit at times. \\ -> Jaysek: good relations\\ -> Storm: unsure relations, Storm is seen as unpredictable\\ -> Ra: unsure relations, Ra church is seen as too aggressive in converting the followers of other churches. \\ -> Life: basically neutral\\ -> Fire: basically neutral\\ -> Water: basically neutral\\ -> Earth: basically neutral\\ -> Air: basically neutral\\ ====== Valris ====== ->Kuor: excellent relations\\ ->Ulane: good relations\\ ->Iorak: good relations\\ ->Reann: fairly good relations, the fanatism of some of the followers makes it a bit strained at time, the relations to hunters are quite bad. \\ ->Kieron: fair relations, the overt chaos is straining a bit at times\\ ->Jaysek: good relations\\ ->Storm: unsure relations, Storm is seen as unpredictable\\ ->Ra: unsure relations, Ra church is seen as too aggressive in converting the followers of other churches. \\ ->Life: slightly positive for the fight against unlife. \\ ->Fire: basically neutral\\ ->Water: basically neutral\\ ->Earth: basically neutral\\ ->Air: basically neutral\\ ====== Ulane ====== ->Kuor: good relations\\ ->Valris: good relations\\ ->Iorak: excellent relations\\ ->Reann good relations, unlike other "old" gods Ulane does not think Reann followers are too fanatic.\\ ->Kieron fair relations, the overt chaos is straining a bit at times\\ ->Jaysek good relations, though some strain from some old events still felt on the higher levels.\\ ->Storm: good relations\\ ->Ra: unsure relations, Ra church is seen as too agressive in converting the followers of other churches.\\ ->Life: positive for the fight against unlife. and Ulane having life element\\ ->Fire: slightly negative\\ ->Water: slightly negative\\ ->Earth: slightly negative\\ ->Air: slightly negative\\ ====== Iorak ====== ->Kuor: good relations\\ ->Valris: good relations\\ ->Ulane: excellent relations\\ ->Reann: fair relations, the fight against unlife is seen as important, though the general though is that reann followers are too fanatic. \\ ->Kieron: fair relations, the overt chaos is straining. \\ ->Jaysek: good relations, though some strain from some old events still felt on the higher levels. \\ ->Storm: good strained relations, see storm followers as too unpredictable\\ ->Ra: good relations, Ra church is seen as a dependable ally. \\ ->Life: slightly negative\\ ->Fire: slightly negative\\ ->Water: slightly negative\\ ->Earth: slightly good, Iorak having Earth element\\ ->Air: slightly negative\\ ====== Reann ====== ->Kuor: fair relations, many Reann followers think the old churches are too lazy in fighting unlife\\ ->Valris: fair relations, many Reann followers think the old churches are too lazy in fighting unlife\\ ->Ulane: fair relations, many Reann followers think the old churches are too lazy in fighting unlife\\ ->Kieron: fair relations, many Reann followers think the kieron followers are too chaotic and irrelevant instead of fighting unlife. \\ ->Jaysek: good relations, but a basic straining. \\ ->Storm: good strained realtions, see storm followers as too unpredictable and not focused enough on fighting unlife. \\ ->Ra: fairly good relations, Ra church is seen as a dependable ally, though Ra followers are seen as too stiff in the interpretations on the laws of war. \\ ->Life: very positive, both fight unlife as base action. \\ ->Fire: slightly negative\\ ->Water: slightly negative\\ ->Earth: slightly negative\\ ->Air: slightly negative\\ ====== Kieron ====== ->Kuor: good relations, though the stiffness is a bit draining at times\\ ->Valris: good relations, though the stiffness is a bit draining at times\\ ->Ulane: good relations, though the stiffness is a bit draining at times\\ ->Iorak: fair relations, the stiffness is draining at times\\ ->Reann: fair relations, the fanatism of some of the followers makes it a bit strained at time, the relations to hunters are quite bad. \\ ->Jaysek: good relations, would be very good, but so many of the followers seem too stiff\\ ->Storm: excellent relations\\ ->Ra: unsure relations, Ra church is seen as way too fanatic. \\ ->Life: basically neutral\\ ->Fire: basically neutral\\ ->Water: basically neutral\\ ->Earth: basically neutral\\ ->Air: basically neutral\\ ====== Jaysek ====== ->Kuor: good relations\\ ->Valris: very good relations\\ ->Ulane: good relations\\ ->Iorak: good relations\\ ->Reann: fair relations, the fanatism of some of the followers makes it a bit strained at time, the relations to hunters are quite bad. \\ ->Kieron: good relations, would be very good, but so many of the followers seem too chaotic\\ ->Storm: fair to good relations, some events close to storm ascension are weighting the relations. \\ ->Ra: unsure relations, Ra church is seen as way too fanatic. \\ ->Life: basically neutral\\ ->Fire: basically neutral\\ ->Water: basically neutral\\ ->Earth: basically neutral\\ ->Air: basically neutral\\ ====== Storm ====== ->Kuor: fair relations, the predictability and passivity is a bit straining at times. \\ ->Valris: good relations, the predictability and passivity is a bit straining at times. \\ ->Ulane: good relations, the predictability and passivity is a bit straining at times. \\ ->Iorak: fair ralations, the predictability and passivity is straining at times. \\ ->Reann: fair relations, the fanatism of some of the followers makes it a bit strained at time, the relations to hunters are quite bad. \\ ->Kieron: good relations\\ ->Jaysek: fair to good relations, some events close to storm ascention are weighting the relations. \\ ->Ra: unsure relations, Ra church is seen as way too fanatic. \\ ->Life: Slightly negative\\ ->Fire: Slightly negative\\ ->Water: slightly positive\\ ->Earth: Slightly negative\\ ->Air: slightly positive\\ ====== Ra ====== ->Kuor: fair relations, the passivity is seen as bad\\ ->Valris: fair relations, the passivity is seen as bad\\ ->Ulane: fair relations, the passivity is seen as bad\\ ->Iorak: fairly good relations, seen as not active enough, but heart in right place. \\ ->Reann: fairly good relations, the fight against unlife is seen as important. \\ ->Kieron: fair relations, the overt chaos is straining. \\ ->Jaysek: good relations, though some strain from some old events still felt on the higher levels. \\ ->Storm: strained relations, see storm followers as too unpredictable\\ ->Life: slightly negative\\ ->Fire: slightly positive\\ ->Water: slightly negative\\ ->Earth: slightly negative\\ ->Air: slightly negative\\